January 25, 2023 29 Emily Pennington — Letting Go “As far as I can tell, the liminal void we all feel sometimes, is the rule, not the exception, so [...]
September 30, 2021 9 Knowing Acts by Heidi Love, art by Linden O’Ryan “This inspiring book is a touchstone, a safe harbor to return to again and again as we navigate the [...]
November 10, 2020 171 Amanda Gorman – Imposter Syndrome “Life has broken me into a million shards But like ocean salt on a coastline I am still so Glorious in my [...]
March 7, 2018 78 Kretz-Rising Above Domestic Violence “Find out what you do well and do it for all you’re worth!” Facing Domestic Violence It was a rude [...]
November 29, 2017 40 Gutsy Goddess—Hibo Wardere Unity is powerful. You are not alone. There was a flicker of light—when I realized there are millions of us [...]
November 20, 2017 20 Gutsy Goddess—Madeleine Recovery after Gang Rape If anybody asked me what would be the single thing that has helped me most in my [...]
April 26, 2017 22 Heidi Love – Rising Above Violence to Live Bold Dreams Your dreams can be bigger than your [...]
April 14, 2017 0 Wild—by Cheryl Strayed Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed #1 New York Times Bestseller At [...]
April 14, 2017 14 Gutsy Goddess: Talulah Ruby “…you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!” Jack Kerouac, On the [...]