Knowing Acts—Engage in Healing by Heidi Love, Art by Linden O’Ryan
Knowing Acts is a calming practice workbook for emotional balance. Filled with over 100 pages of beautiful healing art by Maine artist Linden O’Ryan, it offers over thirty customizable exercises with music, art, dance, poetry, and mindfulness. Also included are personal healing stories and recommendations for brave books, podcasts, and free healing resources. If you or someone you know is seeking a healthier approach to overwhelming sadness, grief, anger, rage, or numbness, or recovering from PTSD, suicidal thoughts, trauma, or hardship, Knowing Acts presents a positive new approach to personal healing journeys.
“This inspiring book is a touchstone, a safe harbor to return to again and again as we navigate the courageous journey toward healing.” Anne Hallward, MD Founder and Executive Director of Safe Space Radio, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Tufts University Medical School.
Order KnowingActs for yourself or someone you care about at, your favorite local bookstore, or through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or IndiesBound.
For a free sampling of downloadable ACTS click here
For more about the author, Heidi Love click here.
For more about the artist, Linden O’Ryan click here.
Order Knowing Acts—Engage in Healing at your favorite local bookstore or through Amazon or Barnes and Noble
For more on sexual assault please click here. ; For crisis services call 800-656-4673 or dial 988 for the crisis and suicide helpline. After posting this link, I just heard from two amazing women advocates who work with domestic assault, abuse, and sexual assault survivors. I wanted to share their resources here. The first is Maine’s own Finding our Voices and the second is Helping Survivors. I’ve written about breaking the silence and being a part of a Tribe of Transcendence and am grateful for these connections. To whomever is reading please know—you are not alone.
Knowing Acts—Engage in Healing, a calming practice workbook for emotional balance.
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Wow. What a masterpiece this book Knowing Acts is. In my role as president/founder of Finding Our Voices which is breaking the silence of domestic abuse and a 29 year survivor myself, I know that when we are deep in our trauma it is hard to read anything. The gentle, loving nature of this book allows one to dip into healing waters. Thahnk you Heidi for putting this into the world. Who hasn’t undergone some trauma? All could benefit from this book!
Thank you so much Patrisha. I love your metaphor of dipping into healing water. When I was at rough place in my own healing, Linden O’Ryan, the artist who created the book’s illustrations, worked with me. She told me to imagine I’m standing on the edge of a healing river and that I can choose to observe and be present with that image; I can inch closer perhaps dipping in a toe; I can wade; or I can let the river carry me. Today I think of the Rumi quote, “Dive in the ocean, leave and let the sea be you.” But more importantly, I’m grateful that you’ve broken your own silence and are wholeheartedly helping others to do the same in gentle, healing, and insightful ways. As others read this comment, please know that Patrisha’s organization,, is an amazing resource I highly recommend. Namaste